Parish council meeting, July 28, 2021 via Zoom

Attendees: Fr Joseph Welch, Stephen Griggs, Mim MacMahon, Sue Manley
Apologies: Judy Fell, Stephen Donaghy

Minutes of last meeting – Agreed
Matters arising – plastering of wall in the hall not feasible as joinery would all need to be replaced

Hall – Hospitality (Sunday morning coffee), currently insufficient numbers on rota,
Fridge, dishwasher – Stephen Griggs will purchase a fridge

First Communion & Confirmation classes – Father Joseph will lead these probably on a weekday

Parish events;
Parish day of recollection 25th September
‘Official reopening’ of the parish on Sunday 10th October The 12th October marks the 60th anniversary of the church dedication. Propose lunch in the hall and the bishop to be invited.
Advent day of recollection 27th November
Adult catechetical talks – Wednesday evening after Mass
Mother & Toddler group – Rosa de Pasquale interested
Over 60s coffee mornings – social event
October devotions on Sunday afternoons month of the Rosary
Christmas Carol Service – 4th Sunday of Advent

Lisa de Pasquale has asked to rejoin the parish council – Fr Joseph to invite her

Plans for the new altar – Laser survey has been performed and also an external survey by means of a drone. Fr Joseph’s wish is to restore the sanctuary to its original form with the exception of the altar being set away from the wall to allow Mass to be said facing the people. This will require project managing.

Plans for two new statues, Our Lady of Nettuno & St Pancras, these will cost in the order of £16-20K carved from Tyrolean wood, agreed to proceed further.

H&S – Sue has emailed the person who performed Covid assessment.
Stewarding although no longer a Covid requirement we should have stewards to welcome and direct people to seats.
Parking, there needs to be consideration to keeping the access for emergencies clearer, both front entrance and sacristy.
The fire exit in the hall is unsatisfactory, suggestion made that fire doors could be moved to the West wall providing an unhindered route.

Safeguarding – Three servers progressing with DBS check. Hand sanitizer and facemasks still recommended and will be available. Priest must still sanitize before and after communion and wear a face mask.
Holy water stoops are still not permitted.

Any other business – Father Joseph suggested pancake party on Shrove Tuesday.

On completion of the organ a concert should be held.

Date of next meeting 23rd September 7:00pm in the hall.