

If you would like to donate online, please click on the button below and it will take you to the online donation page with Dona.


Please consider making a Standing Order instead of a weekly cash contribution to the parish. Thank you.

  • Bank: Barclays Account Name: St Pancras Catholic Church
  • Sort Code: 20-44-51
  • Account Number: 00775843

St Pancras Catholic Church is part of the East Anglia Roman Catholic Diocesan Trust: registered charity no. 278742

Gift Aid

A gift aid declaration (GAD) form may be accessed, and printed from, here. Please return it to Fr Joseph. Thank you.

St Pancras Church

1 Orwell Place Ipswich Suffolk IP4 1BD

Parish Office telephone:
01473 252 596


Ipswich Hospital Chaplaincy:
Fr Bineesh at St Mark's 07549 695648